True Type Font Installer by Kai Kaltenbach, Copyright (c) 1992 Version 1.10 CONTENTS: 1. Introduction 2. TTInstal Features 3. Instructions 4. Version History 5. Shareware Notice 1. INTRODUCTION True Type Font Installer (TTInstal) was created to provide one major feature that is lacking from the font installation feature of the Microsoft Windows 3.1 Control Panel: mainly the ability to preview fonts before they are installed. Along the way, some other features ended up in the program and more may be added as time goes by. 2. TTINSTAL FEATURES - Previews TrueType fonts before they are installed - Supports network font installation - Supports compressed TrueType font files (those that use Microsoft-standard compression with the standard .TT_ file extension, such as used on the Microsoft True Type Font Pack for Windows) - Includes full Windows-based setup program with network support - Allows you to preview fonts in any desired size - Indicates whether a previewed font is currently installed or not - Also shows currently installed fonts via a separate dialog box 3. INSTRUCTIONS - Previewing Fonts Use the drive, directory and file list boxes to select a given TrueType font. Hit the Preview button to preview that font. Preview Indicators While a font is being previewed, the font name (e.g. "Helvetica Bold" will appear in the Font Name box. The font filename (e.g. "helvb.ttf") is shown in the Filename box, and the actual preview of the font may be seen in the Font Preview box. Selecting Font Preview Size The desired font preview size in points may be selected via the Size drop-down selector. Special Preview Indicators In the blank space directly beneath the preview Size selector may appear a font status indicator. This indicator will read "Installed" if TTINstal detects that the currently previewed font is installed. It may also read "Existing Metrics" if for some reason a scalable font metric resource file (.FOT) happens to exist for the currently previewed font, but the font is not currently installed in Windows (an unusual case). - Installing Fonts While a font is being previewed, pressing the Install button will install that font into your Windows configuration. Copy to Windows Directory Option When you press the Install button, if the "Copy to Windows Directory" option has been checked, TTInstal will also copy the font to your Windows SYSTEM subdirectory. - Removing Fonts Pressing the Remove... button will give you the option of removing the font from the WIN.INI and memory, deleting the scalable resource file (.FOT) from disk, or deleting the TrueType font file (.TTF) file itself from disk. Naturally, caution should be exercised when deleting such files. TTInstal will ask you to confirm deletion of TrueType font files. - Viewing Currently Installed Fonts Press the Installed Fonts... button to produce a dialog box that will allow you to view the currently installed fonts at any desired size. Note that if you are currently previewing a font at the time you press the Installed Fonts... button, that font will show up in the Installed Fonts dialog, since it is being displayed by TTInstal at the time. - Leaving TTInstal Press the Close button to shut down TTInstal. 4. VERSION HISTORY - Version 0.9 Beta release. - Version 1.0 Initial Public Release. Added Setup program. - Version 1.10 Added the ability to preview compressed font files. Added this instructional textfile. - Version 1.11 Fixed problem with finding the expansion DLL. 5. SHAREWARE NOTICE - TrueType Font Installer is BookWare. If you like and use this program, please send a science fiction book or other token of your esteem to: Kai Kaltenbach 15015 Main Street Suite 103-137 Bellevue, WA 98007